*********************************** * * * STOCK TRACKING SYSTEM VERSION 2 * * * *********************************** NOTES #1 It is helpful to maintain separate data disks for your portfolio and for your research data. This saves you from having to enter bogus purchases into your real portfolio. If you do go on to make a transaction on a stock that you are researching it is a simple matter to copy the price files from the research data disk to the portfolio data disk. ********************************************************************** Play with the system for awhile. Enter some practice transactions, prices, dividends, and sales. When you have the feel of how it works you can delete the bogus files and subdirectory. The next time you run the system it will automatically create fresh ones. The files & subdirectory to delete are: NAME TYPE ==== ==== MASTER TXT SALES TXT DIVIDEND TXT CAP.GAIN TXT PRICES DIR + NOTE + Unless you use a utility such as Copy II+, you must delete the files within PRICES before you attempt to delete the directories. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Converting from Version 1 to Version 2 If you have been a user of version 1 of the system, there are a few modifications that you will have to make to your data disk(s). They are simple and will only take a few minutes. Format a new blank data disk and boot up version 2. After the files are created and you are at the name entry prompt in Add an Investment, press Control - Reset. Boot up a copy program and delete the following files from the NEW data disk. Master Sales Copy the following files from your old data disk to the new one. Master Sales all files in the PRICES subdirectory to the PRICES subdirectory on the new data disk. That is all there is to it. If you had dividends recorded on the old data disk you will have to re - enter them on the new one. DO NOT COPY the old Dividend files to the new disk. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- APR in the Current Gain/ Loss report As it comes configured, the REPORTER module includes the purchase commission and the assumed future sales commission in the computation of the Annulized Percentage Rate. I wrote the routine this way so that it will more accurately reflect what the gain (or loss) really will be if you sell the entire lot at the price of the last update. Some people prefer to use this report to compare the actual performance of stocks, and for them the inclussion of the commissions gives a false picture. To remove the commissions from the APR calculations you need to modify 3 lines; 680 A(0) = VAL (T$(2)):A(1) = VAL (T$(3)):A(2) = VAL (T$(7)):A(3) = VAL (U$(2)):A(4) = (A(1) * A(0)) [ + A(2) ] 690 IF T$(8) = "B" THEN A(5) = (A(0) * A(3))[ - A(2)]:A(6) = A(5) - A(4) 700 IF T$(8) = "S" THEN A(5) = (A(0) * A(3))[ + A(2)]:A(6) = A(4) - A(5) Get your line editor up and running, then LOAD REPORTER in each of the three line shown above, delete the portion enclosed by the [ ] then UNLOCK REPORTER SAVE REPORTER LOCK REPORTER ========================================================================== EDITING You are of course free to make any changes to the modules that will make the system work better for you. Please work on COPIES of your working program. NEVER, EVER use a renumbering or de- rem program on any of the modules. Each one has transparent machine code attached without which they cannot run. Being transparent, the code is invisible to the above mentioned utilities. When they reset the program pointers after doing their thing, the machine code will be excluded. If you have the Toolbox programs from Roger Wagner Software you can use the Workbench to save the appended code to disk, and then restore it when you are done with your modifications. One other thing. The Workbench and GPLE (from Beagle Bros) hate each other and will cause strange things to happen if they are in memory at the same time. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++